Yearly Archives: 2019


22. Winterfórum SSAIM

13. – 14. február 2020, Hotel Patria, Štrbské Pleso, Vysoké Tatry

Termín prihlásenia k aktívnej účasti: Prihlásenie prednášok do 15.1.2020.
Pasívna účasť: on-line registrácia do 7.2.2020.

Prvá informácia
Definitívny program


  • Perioperačná medicína
  • Predoperačná príprava pacienta k anestézii a operácii
  • Koncepcia ERAS a Fast-track surgery
  • Optimalizácia orgánových systémov pred veľkými operačnými výkonmi
  • Anémia a anestézia
  • Manažment rizikových pacientov
  • „Check-list“ ako súčasť bezpečnosti pacientov v anestézii
  • Hyperkoagulačné stavy a spôsoby prevencie TECH
  • Spolupráca chirurgických odborov s odborom AIM

4. slovenský Airway workshop Košice

sobota, 18.1.2020, Zamestnanecké kluby UNLP, 1. poschodie, Trieda SNP 1, 04011 Košice

leták s informáciami
predbežný program

BAKRA 2020

III. BRATISLAVSKÝ KURZ SKARA, B. Braun, Poľnohospodárska 20, Bratislava, 8.-9. február 2020


BAKRA 2020 – tretí workshop na západnom Slovensku určený začiatočníkom a záujemcom o regionálnu anestéziu, vedený formou prednášok a diskusií so skúsenými lektormi zo Slovenska aj zo zahraničia.

Počet miest je v záujme zachovania kvality kurzu limitovaný, spustenie registrácie s finálnym programom je plánované na štvrtok, 2.1.2020. V kurze je zahrnutá strava a spoločenská večera v sobotu večer.

ESA associate membership

Dear Presidents and Secretaries of the National Societies,
Dear Secretariats,

This email is to inform you that as of January 2020, the ESA will update its procedure regarding the ESA associate membership of your society’s members.

First of all, please note that it is mandatory for ESA, as a society managing and processing data, to be GDPR compliant.

This means we need to have a signed Data Processing Agreement with each national society in order to proceed its data. Therefore, we kindly ask you, if not already done, to send us back the Data Processing Agreement completed and signed.

Secondly, we slightly adapted some points of the original procedure below.
Changes are highlighted in bold:

1. The National Society (NAS) asks its members for explicit approval to become ESA associate member and to share his/her information details with the ESA (opt-in) OR the NAS informs its members that the data will be shared with ESA (opt-out)

If you prefer the first option, we send you enclosed an example of a consent template that could be used (but possibly you use an automated process where you ask for approval).

2. The NAS sends the list of members to become ESA associate member to ESA ( 2 times a year: in January and in June via the enclosed excel file.

The June list should preferably not contain the members appearing in the January list.

The members of both lists will receive a 2 calendar year membership beginning in the same year. For example, if you send us your member lists in January and June 2020, their ESA membership will be valid from 1st January 2020 to 31 December 2021 (2 calendar years).

We encourage you to use the excel file attached which really eases processing your list in our database.

If you have a new list of members please keep it until January, so that your members will receive their membership as of 2020.

3. ESA will import the associate members 2 times a year in its database creating associate members with an incomplete profile (associate membership runs for up to 2 calendar years, afterwards associate membership needs to be renewed via the NAS).
4. ESA will send the associate members a welcome letter (enclosed fyi) with the request to complete their profile and accept to receive communications from ESA. Only when this is done, ESA can send communications to the associate members.
5. To those who haven’t completed their profile, ESA sends reminders in the course of maximum 2 years.
6. One month before the associate membership expires, ESA sends a communication to the associate members that they should contact their national society if they wish to remain ESA associate member.

Via this link you can consult the membership catalogue including the benefits for associate members. Feel free to share it with your members.
Important note: if someone is already an ESA active member, he/she will not lose this status and benefits related to this active membership when becoming associate member (which comes on top).

In case of any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

We thank you very much for your understanding and look forward to continue our collaboration between our societies.

Kind regards,

Aude Quivy
Marketing and External Relations Coordinator
T+ 32 (0) 2 250 30 57


„Anestéziológia moja láska neláskavá.“

Dňa 11. novembra 2019 zomrela

prim. MUDr. Darina Nabělková, Prvá dáma slovenskej anestéziológie.

Patrila k zakladateľom slovenskej anestéziológie, dlhoročná primárka ARO vo FN Trnava.

Česť jej pamiatke.

Klub priateľov histórie SSAIM

Použitie analógov arginín – vazopresínu pri liečbe cirkulačného zlyhávania

Odporučený postup výboru SSAIM, november 2019

stiahnuť tu

XI. Workshop – Memoriál Petra Gašparca 2019

29.11.2019 – 1.12.2019
Penzión Ferrata Martin

pozvánka a program

3rd European Day of Regional Anaesthesia

25.1.2020 (sobota), FZ SZU Banská Bystrica


VI. bystrický mikulášsky kurz

Neuraxiálne blokády a ich komplikácie
7.-8. decembra 2019, Banská Bystrica


Lučanského memoriál – regionálna konferencia anestéziológov

25.10.2019, Prešov, Hotel Plaza Beach Resort

pozvánka a program

Polytrauma kongres Košice

Hotel Roca, Košice

pozvánka a program

Dobrý deň, vážení a milí kolegovia,

po úspešnom prvom ročníku konferencie Polytrauma Košice v roku 2018, ktorý organizuje Slovenská spoločnosť anestéziológie a intenzívnej medicíny a Slovenská spoločnosť UM a MK, je tu druhý ročník konferencie, na ktorý Vás v mene organizátorov srdečne pozývam. Termín podujatia je 18.-19. októbra 2019 v Košiciach. Problematika polytraumy je nielen široká, ale nanajvýš aktuálna pre všetky špecializácie zúčastňujúce sa na jej riešení.

S úctou, Táňa Bulíková

Pozvanie na XV. CUP 2019, Bratislava

Pozvánka a informácie

Predbežný program

Online registrácia UKONČENÁ

Vážení členovia SSAIM,
dovoľujeme si Vás pozvať na XV. ročník Sympózia


ktorý sa bude konať 7. – 8. novembra 2019, hotel Crowne Plaza, Bratislava, Hodžovo nám.

Koordinátor podujatia: R. Záhorec
Vedecký výbor: M. Pauliny, I. Olejárová, J. Köppl, J. Macková, J. Mikula, J. Koutun, R. Riedl, A. Yaghi


  • SEPSA diagnostika, manažment
  • Mikrobiológia sepsy, stratégia antiinfekčnej liečby
  • Definičné kritériá Sepsa-3, Biomarkery sepsy
  • Septický šok, hemodynamika a vazopresory
  • Refraktérny septický šok, stratégie liečby
  • Sepsa, výživa, rehabilitácia a fyzioterapia na ICU
  • Podporná liečba sepsy, význam vitamínu C a tiamínu
  • Eliminačné metódy v SIRS a SEPSE, CVVH

Prihlásenie aktívnej účasti: svoje príspevky do odborného programu zašlite do 6.10.2019
na adresu predsedu vedeckého výboru: mpauliny(at)gmail(dot)com
Pasívna účasť: on-line registrácia do 25.10.2019.

12. košický kurz regionálnej anestézie

5. – 6. október 2019, Košice
Pozvánka a informácie
Predbežný program

  • Základy regionálnej anestézie
  • Formou prednášok a interaktívnych diskusií
  • Formou kadaverózneho workshopu
  • Dokumentácia, bezpečnosť a komplikácie
  • Základy komunikácie s pacientom a operatérom
  • USG skenovanie na figurantoch
  • Nácvik koordinácie práce rúk (sonda, ihla) na fantóme

12. KKRA je základný dvojdňový intenzívny kadaverózny workshop o periférnych nervových blokádach určený začiatočníkom a všetkým anestéziológom v predatestačnej príprave. Je vedený formou prednášok, diskusií, nácviku anatómie na kadáveroch a praktického nácviku na fantómoch a živých modeloch so skúsenými lektormi zo Slovenska aj zo zahraničia.

WFSA quarterly news report: August 2019 edition

World Congress of Anaesthesiologists (WCA) registration and abstract submissions open!

The registration and abstract submission for the World Congress of Anaesthesiologists held in Prague, Czech Republic, on the 5th-9th September 2020 is now open!
For more information and to register, visit the WCA website here.

WFSA at the World Health Assembly

The WFSA represented anaesthesia at the 72nd World Health Assembly in Geneva
A delegation from the WFSA attended the 72nd World Health Assembly (WHA) which took place in Geneva from the 20th – 28th May 2019.
This busy week of advocacy was an opportunity to build relationships and develop new partnerships to raise the profile of safe anaesthesia within the WHO.
Click here for the full article.

The Utstein Conference

The Utstein Conference took place in June, funded by the Laerdal Foundation and jointly organised with the WFSA. Held in Utstein Abbey in Stavanger, Norway, home of the original Utstein meeting, this meeting on Metrics and Reporting Criteria for Anaesthesia, Surgery & Obstetrics Patient Safety brought together global surgery leaders including Harvard PGSSC, WHO, World Bank, Institute for Health Metrics & Evaluation, FIGO, Demographic & Health Surveys and the Laerdal Foundation. Given the connection between data and survival, the aim was to review and refine the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery’s 6 metrics, namely access to care, surgical volume, workforce, post-operative mortality, impoverishing and catastrophic expenditure. An Utstein style consensus publication is one of the meeting outcomes that we can expect later in the year.

ASA’s ANESTHESIOLOGY 2019 registration is open!

Register now to be one of the 14,000 attendees and discover the latest research and advances in the specialty.
More information here.

WFSA’s Impact Report now available to read online

The WFSA’s Impact Report for 2018/19 outlines the impact which the WFSA has had up to the end of 2018. In our programme areas of advocacy, education, innovation & research, and safety & quality, the WFSA has made great strides to realise our vision of universal access to safe anaesthesia.
Read the Impact Report here.

IASP’s Global Year Against Pain in the Most Vulnerable

The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) is running a campaign throughout 2019 to raise awareness of pain in vulnerable populations.
The Aims and Objectives of this 2019 Global Year is to highlight the needs of people who are unable to articulate their pain in a way that health professionals can understand and/or whose pain problems are underestimated and so they are more likely to receive inadequate pain control.
Read more about this campaign here.

Global Airway management of Unstable cervical Spine Survey (GAUSS)

Anaesthetic providers from around the world are invited to participate in the GAUSS online survey being conducted by the University of Cape Town’s Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine. The study is interested in current clinical practice in airway management of unstable cervical fracture patients. The survey should take only a few minutes to complete. Please help us to better understand your clinical setting and current practice.
To take part in this survey, please click here.

Interesting anaesthesia articles

A selection of articles on anaesthesia & global health published since April 2019:
FREE: Evaluation of Job Stress and Burnout Among Anesthesiologists Working in Academic Institutions in 2 Major Cities in Pakistan (Anesthesia & Analgesia, April 2019)
FREE: Building capacity for surgery, obstetrics and anesthesia in support of universal health coverage and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (East Central African Journal of Surgery, April 2019)
FREE: Development and Pilot Testing of a Context-Relevant Safe Anesthesia Checklist for Cesarean Delivery in East Africa (Anesthesia & Analgesia, May 2019)
FREE: Intraoperative Mortality in Malawi (Anesthesia & Analgesia, June 2019)
FREE: Improving Access to Safe Anesthetic Care in Rural and Remote Communities in Affluent Countries (Anesthesia & Analgesia, July 2019)
FREE: Effect of Intravenous Lidocaine, Dexamethasone, and Their Combination on Postoperative Sore Throat. A Randomized Controlled Trial (Anesthesia & Analgesia, July 2019)
FREE: Retrospective Comparison of 2 Management Strategies for Perioperative Malaria Episodes in Pediatric Patients in a Limited-Resource Setting (Anesthesia & Analgesia, August 2019).

Currently open for applications
Click the link below to find out more about our opportunities:

Applications open for the WFSA General Anaesthesia Fellowship, Bangkok, Thailand
Deadline for applications is the 5th September. For more information, please click here

Zásady pre udeľovanie grantov pre výskumnú činnosť

Zásady pre udeľovanie grantov pre výskumnú činnosť Slovenskou spoločnosťou anestéziológie a intenzívnej medicíny – oficiálny text

Vychádzajúc z potreby rozvoja vedeckej a výskumnej činnosti, klinickej aplikácie nových postupov v odbore anestéziológia a intenzívna medicína v Slovenskej republike sa výbor SSAIM rozhodol vydať Štatút pre udeľovanie Grantov SSAIM – SLS ku dňu 30. septembra 2018 a schválil tieto zásady udeľovania Grantov SSAIM – SLS (ďalej len „zásady“) pod odborným a metodickým dohľadom právneho oddelenia SLS a schválení Prezídiom SLS.

Zásady pre udeľovanie grantov pre výskumnú činnosť + žiadosť – stiahnuť tu

XIV. Novozámocký deň anestéziológie a intenzívnej medicíny

17.-18.10.2019, Nové Zámky – Palárikovo

Pozvánka, program, informácie stiahnuť tu.

XXVI. Hálkove lekárske dni

19. – 20.9.2019, Dom kultúry Čadca
Hlavné témy: Umelá pľúcna ventilácia. Vária.

Pozvánka, program, informácie stiahnuť tu

Registrácia na podujatie tu

Celoústavný seminár OAIM …

… pri príležitosti 90-tych narodenín MUDr. Tamary Simkovej

Kedy: 29. máj 2019, 14:00 hod.
Kde: poslucháreň MUDr. R. Charváta, Nemocnica Košice-Šaca



Pripravuje sa nový organ pre konkatedrálu sv. Mikuláša v Prešove. Čo tak podporiť tento “môj” organ SMSkami po 2 €? DMS organ na 877. Ďakujeme.

Kto má humor, má všetko, kto nemá humor je všetkého schopný. Gregor Martin Papuček

For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong. H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)

Prevencia a manažment nežiadúcej perioperačnej hypotermie

Odporučenie SSAIM 2019

dokument stiahnuť tu